[Aaltosbc] Exciting Opportunity - Greenhouse idea Accelerator 2021 application period is open!!

Hello SBC members, Our partners at the Urban Mill have asked us to share this exciting Greenhouse idea accelerator program with you guys! The theme of the Greenhouse this year is Sustainable Nutrition (very fitting with this month's theme!)
Please find more information below :)
Best, SBC Board 2021 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Do you have an innovative idea within Sustainable nutrition – apply to Greenhouse idea accelerator program!*
*We are looking for ideas in a wide range.* Do you have fresh insight on sustainable nutrition to complement our expertise? An excellent idea for a new plant-based product? An unexplored solution for using manufacturing process side streams adding value to healthier products? Maybe a business model to change consumer behavior towards more sustainable way? Or maybe a breakthrough insight for oat or wholegrain? Or…
Apply now to Lantmännen Greenhouse idea accelerator program https://urbanmill.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b8966249ebdeffeb27e9f0271&id=09d6fd18ed&e=12bb3cde34 – application time is until March 31st!
*Want to hear more and meet our Greenhouse crew? Join the digital info session in Teams:*
- *4.3.2021 at 9-10 CET or* - *10.3.2021 at 11-12 CET*
*Send e-mail to *greenhouse@lantmannen.com mailto:greenhouse@lantmannen.com?subject=I%20want%20to%20join%20Greenhouse%202021%20info%20session*to join the info!*
*The theme of this year’s Greenhouse program is Sustainable nutrition*. How can we challenge the way we produce and eat food to resolve two of the world’s most urgent problems: climate change and increasing health issues?
*The Greenhouse is Lantmännen’s accelerator focused on innovations within food and agriculture – from field to fork.* We support up-and-coming entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs and help them turn their ideas into profitable and sustainable long-term businesses. The program consist of six digital workshops and project team work in May-June. All the Greenhouse workshops in 2021 will be digital, so you will be able join from anywhere in the world. The program culminates in Dragons’ Den with Lantmännen top management in September.
The program has been organized since 2014 with the total of 79 projects, and this year’s program being already the 11th. Participating in the program is free of charge. As an entrepreneur, you will keep all intellectual property rights to your ideas when you join The Greenhouse. In the program we are using Microsoft Teams as the collaboration platform, complemented with other digital tools. Recommended project team is 2-4 persons.
*Learn more and apply in Lantmännen Greenhouse website: **https://www.lantmannen.com/research-and-innovation/The-greenhouse/ https://urbanmill.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b8966249ebdeffeb27e9f0271&id=cd478f3b57&e=12bb3cde34*
*Important dates and facts:*
- 31.3.: application period closes - 16.4.: project selection - May-June: six digital workshop days and project team work - 24.8. and 31.8.: preparing for Dragons’ Den - Beginning of September: Dragons’ Den with Lantmännen top management
*The team behind the Greenhouse*
Lantmännen’s Greenhouse is run by Nina Tuomikangas and Jakob Söderström. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or thoughts regarding the Greenhouse!
*Nina Tuomikangas*, Project Manager Innovation, Lantmännen R&D, +46 10 556 10 56, nina.tuomikangas@lantmannen.com mailto:nina.tuomikangas@lantmannen.com
*Jakob Söderström*, Innovation Manager, Lantmännen R&D, + 46 10 556 10 59, jakob.soderstrom@lantmannen.com mailto:jakob.soderstrom@lantmannen.com [image: Greenhouse info sessions_March 2021-converted.png]
participants (1)
Aalto Sustainable Business Club