[Aaltosbc] Interested in Green Finance? Attend LSE's Green Finance Summit 2021!

Dear SBC members,
The *Green Finance Society* at the *London School of Economics* has brought to our attention that they are hosting their flagship *Green Finance Summit 2021 on* *March 13th*! They have opened up their event to the public and have asked us to share this opportunity with you as SBC members too! Please find more specific information below with regards to the event.
All the best, SBC Board 2021 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The LSE Green Finance Society is the sole sustainable finance-focused society at the LSE. We aim to broaden the understanding of sustainable finance whilst also connecting students to a variety of career opportunities in the sector.
The Green Finance Summit is our society's annual flagship event. In the Green Finance Summit, we hope to inspire the youth to learn more about sustainable finance. This year's general theme is "Rethinking the Present, Reshaping the Future". As the world continues its recovery from COVID-19, it is time for the green finance industry to move forward and accelerate in terms of sustainable development.
The Green Finance Summit 2021 consists of 2 panels, the first of which dives into career advice for those aspiring to play a role in the sustainability sphere, and the second to provide insights into innovation in the industry. For each panel, participants will have the opportunity to hear from industry professionals. The summit will then conclude with a ‘Sustainable Innovations Pitching Competition’ where shortlisted teams will pitch creative financial approaches to tackle pressing social and environmental challenges. We will also be awarding £200 to the winner of the competition!
Registration form: www.tinyurl.com/greenfinancesummit
Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/4guu9JUDu
Date: 13th March 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30AM - 5:30PM GMT
Venue: Zoom (link will be sent via email upon registration)
Also, please do find the links to our social media platforms here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lsesugreenfinance
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lsesugreenfinance/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lse-su-green-finance-society
participants (1)
Aalto Sustainable Business Club