[Aaltosbc] New Climate Change Course - Registration deadline (19/2)

Good morning SBC members,
There is an exciting new course at Aalto that you might be interested in! Have a look at the message below and make sure to apply soon, because the deadline is already this Friday (19.2).
Best, SBC Board 2021
*Apply to CEMS Model UNFCCC by Friday (19.2.) - unique, first-time course on climate change and negotiations!*
Climate change is one of the most pressing global issues, yet climate change, climate policy, and the relevance to business are still insufficiently understood by the future decision makers in international management and society.
The Climate Change Course and its ʺModel UNFCCCʺ teaches you understanding of climate change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and its impact on the future of business. The course is held online during Period IV-V, simultaneously at 10 leading CEMS universities, and ends with a 2-day simulation of global climate negotiations.
The course has two different tracks (Track A & B) and is divided into two parts (3+3 ECTS). The first part is common for all students (Track A & B), and provides knowledge of climate change, regulatory frameworks, and corporate strategic responses to climate change.
The second part, where only students in Track B participate, involves a unique two-day simulation of UN climate negotiations, where students from the participating universities play the roles of government, NGO and industry representatives organized in one of the member universities.
Please note that to apply to Track B you need to submit a motivation letter and CV *by Friday, February 19, 2021.*
More information on the course and on how to apply on MyCourses: https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=29584
participants (1)
Aalto Sustainable Business Club