Captains’ Weekly Newsletter #4




Before you is the fourth Captain’s Weekly Newsletter of the year! The Newsletter collects together all the general things you should remember, as well as information about events organized by PT, CHEM, and other organizers. Additionally, there is information about Fuksi Points and upcoming possibilities to collect them. There’s a lot to read through, but we recommend looking through the newsletter carefully. You can also find relevant information on Telegram via Captains’ Channel and PT’s Information Channel, as well as PT’s own weekly newsletter.


Remember to apply for PT’s membership here if you haven’t yet. Also, remember to join the PT Fuksis 2022 and Captains’ Channel  -Telegram groups.






I         Common things to remember

  1. Get your PT’s membership
  2. PT’s weekly newsletter for members
  3. PT’s Telegram-group and information channel
  4. PT x TiK Regular Sport sessions
  5. Association’s PauseTime
  6. Pay the students’ healthcare fee if you haven’t already!

II        Events arranged by PT and CHEM

  1. Otatarha Grand Prix
  2. CanCan
  3. Save the date: Neon Rave 20.10.

III       Other events

  1. Otatarha Grand Prix 30.9.
  2. Otaniemi Escape 7.10.
  3. Save the date: Poli appro
  4. Save the date: Otacruise 27.-29.11.

IV       Fuksi Points

  1. Compulsory points
  2. Voluntary points

V        Greetings



I        Common things to remember


1.     Get your PT’s membership


If you didn’t pay the membership fee for Prosessiteekkarit, you can fill the membership application here. The payment information will be sent to your email address.


2.     PT’s weekly newsletter for members

You can join the PT mailing list at This mailing list is used to inform members about upcoming events and other current affairs. A weekly bulletin is sent to the list every Monday, and by reading it actively you will be aware of the current student activities of the association and the rest of Otaniemi.


3.     PT’s Telegram-group and information channel

Do you want to follow and participate in discussions regarding all PT members? Do you want to hear the ideas and thoughts of students from other classes as well? To do this, there is #PT, a common Telegram group to all PT members.

You can join the General Discussion Group #PT on Telegram from this link. The group is for both formal information and informal discussion. Please read the group rules when you join the chat.

In addition, PT has its own one-way information channel on Telegram, which works with the same principle as Captains’ Inform. It’s used for informing about events and condensing the weekly newsletter for all members.
You can follow the information channel here.

  1. PT x TiK x SIK Regular Sport Sessions

Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every thursday at 21-22! There you will be able to play ball games with TiK, SIK, and other PT members. The sport will change every week.

  1. Associations PauseTime on Wednesdays


Looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Take a well-deserved break and come to the pHuone to participate in Association’s PauseTime! 🥰☕️


Common PauseTimes will be organized weekly, this week on thursday from 16:15 onwards. Any exceptions will be announced. From 16:15 to 18:00, there will always be someone from the board so you can for example easily buy overall patches or get points for your point card during that time. Depending on the wishes of the people present, the break can be spent by playing games, having chit chat with a nice cup of coffee/tee on the side or even watching a film. Come to meet old and new PT-friends and make yourself at home in the association's living room!


You can get a Fuksi Point from participating in three PauseTimes!


6.     Pay the students’ healthcare fee if you haven’t already!

In 2022, the student healthcare fee in higher education is EUR 35.80 per term. It is paid to Kela once per term (spring and autumn), i.e., twice a year. Students are not billed for the fee but are expected to pay it on their own initiative. The amount that must be paid is defined in a Government Decree and may vary from year to year. More information can be found here. The deadline for the payment was 30.9. but you can still do it if you didn’t already!





II       Events arranged by PT and CHEM


1.     Otatarha Grand Prix


The Otatarha Grand Prix lecture is now done, and building and planning as gotten off to a great start! This year victory will surely be ours!


You can join in on the fun by joining the telegram-group for the event! Participating in planning and / or building will earn you a fuksi point!


Link to the Telegram group:


  1. CanCan

It’s time for ascendance and for the age-old traditions to be inhereted by the new generation of fuksis. CanCan must now pass from the hands of last year’s fuksis to you! Follow the Captain’s Channel actively, as more infor about CanCan and getting involved will come during the following week!


If CanCan really interests you kiinnostaa, you can also apply to be the CanCan-responsible! These responsibles coordinate their year’s CanCan dance troupe throughout their fuksi year. This includes booking gigs, contacting customers and other practicalities, such as arranging practice times for the gigs and events. It’s an incredibly fun, engaging and rewarding job (you can ask last year’s responsibles! @mellunkyla, @oonakuoppa, @helmihanninen), and you get to affect what your year’s CanCan looks like.  The previous responsibles help, guide and train you in the position.

If being a CanCan-responsible sounds like something you would be interested in, send a short, free-form application to Anna (@annanteeksi) on Telegram by Friday the 30th.


  1. Save the date: Neon Rave,  21st of October


The Chemisry Guild’s traditional Neon Rave is having its tenth anniversary and we are proudly presenting the biggest student rave event of the decade! On 21st of October Smökki will be set on fire by the words of Keanu Reeves as the legendary Neon Rave is upon us once again: Wake the f*#& up student, we have a Smökki to rave!


Multiple artists of electronic cyber mayhem and the futuristic lightshow will make sure that this will be a night to remember for years to come. Bring your friends, it is time to RAVE!


The tickets will be on sale via kideapp on 7.10 12:00: . The price of the ticket with the overall patch is 10€ and 8€ without the patch


PLEASE NOTE that the event is K-18!


If you have any questions regarding the event, feel free to ask our communications responsible @AnetteHonkanen via Telegram.


WARNING: If you have any epilepsy symptoms, we highly recommend to consider carefully before buying a ticket to the event. There will be a lot of flashing lights.




III     Other events


1.     Otatarha Grand Prix 30.9.


Hello fuksis! The Teekkari Culture Committee invites everyone of you to race in Otatarha Grand Prix.

In this traditional event, fuksi-teams from different guilds will build their own non-motorized vehicle and race against other teams at the Alvari Square. You can build your vehicle in any way you want, as long as it is not motorized. More detailed rules for the vehicles can be found from the registration form.

So gather your group and start building. There is only a few weeks of time because the event day is already on the last day of the month, 30.9. See you at the races!🛺🏁

  1. Otaniemi Escape, 7th of October

Unleash your inner detective and join Otaniemi Escape! The event is an escape room adventure around Otaniemi, where new students get to work in groups to solve puzzles and riddles. As the evening progresses, the mystery begins to unravel one clue at a time, until all the pieces fall into place and the brave team of detectives escape Otaniemi for their onward journey to location X. The adventure will take place in groups of about 10 people, divided by the organiser. When registering through, you may wish to have two friends in your own group.

The event is organised in cooperation with the Fuksi Committee as part of the Teekkarius 150 anniversary year and is primarily aimed at first-year students. The event will start at 17:00, and the after party will end at 01:00. The after party will take place outside Otaniemi at location X, and there will be a bus in both directions. The journey takes about half an hour. In keeping with the spirit of the event, the location of the continuation will remain a mystery. However, it should be mentioned that you will need to bring a swimsuit and a towel for the onward journey.

Tickets go on sale Tomorrow (26th of September) at 15.00 on The price for the tickets are 18€, and they contain the adventure, afterparty with transportations and an overall patch.


The link to the event can be found here:


  1. Save the date: Polin appro 9.-10.11.

The Traditional Polin appro will take over Helsinki again on 9th and 10th of November!

You heard it right! To celebrate 150 years of teekkari culture, Polin appro will be arranged two days in a row this year. Even though the event is part of Teekkari tradition week, we warmly welcome all students and other appro enthusiasts! After the bar round, amazing artists will entertain us at the afterparty in Apollo Night Club.

If November still seems too far away, you can warm up for Polin appro at Dipolin appro on 12th of October in Otaniemi.

Dipolin Appro (12.10.) + Polin Appro (9.-10.11.) combo tickets can be bought at on Wednesday 28.9. at 12:00 and at the Kandikeskus lobby on Thursday 29.9. at 12:00-15:00. When buying a ticket, you can choose from two options: Dipolin Appro + Polin Appro day 1 or Dipolin Appro + Polin Appro day 2. Combo tickets cost 18€.

Separate Polin Appro ticket sale will be held later in the fall, when more tickets will be available for day 1 and 2.

All information about Dipolin appro and Polin appro will be published on their telegram channel:

You can also follow us on Instagram @polinappro !


  1. Save the date: Otacruise 27th -29th of November

Are you starting to feel too safe and sound on land? Would you like to head to the sea? Otacruise is coming again, bigger and better!

Otacruise, arranged for the second time, gathers over 2500 Aalto students for a cruise to Stockholm on 27-29 November 2022 🛳

Ticket sales on campus start on 26.9. at 8:00. From the on campus sales you will get a personal link, that you can use to buy the cabin. More specific location for the campus sales will be shared closer to the date. On, cabins from all available cabin classes will be for sale. On the campus sale, 4 people cabins from classes A, B and C will be for sale. One cabin member buys tickets for the whole cabin in both sales. More information about the cruise and ticket sales is available at

Follow @otacruise on Instagram and Telegram to keep up with the information! This is an event you don't want to miss🤩

The event organiser reserves the right to make changes.




IV    Fuksi Points


Here’s a reminder about the compulsory fuksi points in order to get your teekkari cap and chances to get them. Here are listed some elective points and notifications. Explanations for all the fuksi points will be available on our website here!



1.     Compulsory points

10 Credits: Earned by gathering 10 credits during the academic year. Piece of cake!

The Great Work Point: Earned by working a 6 hour work shift at a big event, primarily PT’s or other CHEM Guild’s annual ball.

Association meeting: Earned by attending one association meeting. The members will be informed about these via email 2 weeks prior.

Museum visit: A guided tour of the Museum of Student Life! More information will be given later.

Song exam: A relaxed singing session with TuNa, More information will be given later.

CapChat: A relaxed chat with TuNa, times to be reserved later.

Fuksi Jäynä: More information will be given later.


2.     Voluntary points

CanCan: By participating and performing with CanCan, you can earn up to three fuksi points!

Build Point: Participating in the planning and or construction of the Otatarha Grand Prix vehicle can earn you one of two possible build points!

CHEM-appro: The point for CHEM-appro can be found in your point card!

Cruise: By participating in Otacruise you’ll get the Cruise-point!

Sports Point: By attending the weekly PT x TIK regular sport sessions can earn you up to three points in the fuksi point card!

Mystery Point: The Great Siivilä has been returned back to its rightful owners, but for how long? Prepare to steal it back in case of emergency, and remember to document your heist!

Coffee Break at pHuone: You can get a point from participating in three PauseTimes!




V      Greetings


Anna: That was certainly a week :D Lettu Cup was a great start to the Fuksi Sitz week, thank you to all of you who braved the weather and came along! The crown jewel was the sitz, and I can’t wait to arrange another one for you in less than a month! Next week we’ll kick off CanCan, do some pub crawling, purchase tickets to 100 different events and FINALLY lay our teekkari caps to rest for the winter. You can raise the hype for PT’s upcoming win at Otaratha Grand Prix by listening to Vauhti kiihtyy (“The Pace Is Picking Up”)!


Eetu: Once again a super active week! LettuCup was so much fun, and it was great getting to have a sitz with you for the very first time :) Next week it’s time for the Otatarha Grand Prix, let’s cheer PT:s vehicle to victory together! Those of you who are coming to CHEM-appro, remember to come say hi to Anna and me, we’re hosting the TuNa-checkpoint! This week Tu has actually gone and exercised, and celebrated his dad’s birthday. Nugget has discovered that he can jump on the sofa from the other side as well, and to optimize his time sleeping, he has made sure to use that lifehack a lot.


Weekly picture of Nugget:



With love,
