Captains’ Weekly Newsletter #7




Here it finally is, the seventh Captain’s Weekly Newsletter of the year! The Newsletter collects together all the general things you should remember, as well as information about events organized by PT, CHEM, and other organizers. Additionally, there is information about Fuksi Points and upcoming possibilities to collect them. There’s a lot to read through, but we recommend looking through the newsletter carefully. You can also find relevant information on Telegram via Captains’ Channel and PT’s Information Channel, as well as PT’s own weekly newsletter.


Remember to apply for PT’s membership here if you haven’t yet. Also, remember to join the PT Fuksis 2022 and Captains’ Channel  -Telegram groups.



-        CapChat is here, are you ready?

-        The Fuksi Jublee Sitz ticket sales open on the 24th of October at 8.00

-        Get to know the professors at the Professor Cafe on the 24th

-        Ticket sales for Poli Appro open on Kide.appissa on the 25th at 14:00.




I         Common things to remember

  1. Get your PT’s membership
  2. PT’s weekly newsletter for members
  3. PT’s Telegram-group and information channel
  4. PT x TiK Regular Sport sessions
  5. Association’s PauseTime
  6. CanCan
  7. Fuksi Patch and -yearbook
  8. CapChats start!
  9. Remember to pay for your overalls!

II        Events arranged by PT and CHEM

  1. English Bachelors’ Sitz 22nd of October
  2. Process Optimization 25.10.
  3. Nightmare in Teekkarivillage 29.10.
  4. Professor cafés 24.10.
  5. Save the date: Officials Fair 3.11.
  6. Save the date: PYTAS-chillis 4.11.

III       Other events

  1. Poli appro 9-10.11.
  2. Fuksis’ Jubilee Sitsis and the International Grand Sitz

IV       Fuksi Points

  1. Compulsory points
  2. Voluntary points

V        Greetings



I        Common things to remember


1.     Get your PT’s membership


If you didn’t pay the membership fee for Prosessiteekkarit, you can fill the membership application here. The payment information will be sent to your email address.


2.     PT’s weekly newsletter for members

You can join the PT mailing list at This mailing list is used to inform members about upcoming events and other current affairs. A weekly bulletin is sent to the list every Monday, and by reading it actively you will be aware of the current student activities of the association and the rest of Otaniemi.


3.     PT’s Telegram-group and information channel

Do you want to follow and participate in discussions regarding all PT members? Do you want to hear the ideas and thoughts of students from other classes as well? To do this, there is #PT, a common Telegram group to all PT members.

You can join the General Discussion Group #PT on Telegram from this link. The group is for both formal information and informal discussion. Please read the group rules when you join the chat.

In addition, PT has its own one-way information channel on Telegram, which works with the same principle as Captains’ Inform. It’s used for informing about events and condensing the weekly newsletter for all members. You can follow the information channel

4.     PT x TiK x SIK Regular Sport Sessions

Pack your indoor shoes and head to the ball sports hall of Otahalli every thursday at 21-22! There you will be able to play ball games with TiK, SIK, and other PT members. The sport will change every week.

5.     Associations PauseTime


Looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Take a well-deserved break and come to the pHuone to participate in Association’s PauseTime! 🥰☕️


Common PauseTimes will be organized weekly. Any exceptions will be announced. From 16:15 to 18:00, there will always be someone from the board so you can for example easily buy overall patches or get points for your point card during that time. Depending on the wishes of the people present, the break can be spent by playing games, having chit chat with a nice cup of coffee/tee on the side or even watching a film. Come to meet old and new PT-friends and make yourself at home in the association's living room!


This week there will be no PauseTime because of the exam week!


You can get a Fuksi Point from participating in three PauseTimes!


6.     CanCan

It’s time for ascendance and for the age-old traditions to be inhereted by the new generation of fuksis. CanCan must now pass from the hands of last year’s fuksis to you! Join CanCan, the TG-group can be found here! The first gig will already be in CHEM-korkeakoulusitz!

  1. Fuksi Patch and -yearbook

The planning for the Fuksi Patch and the -yearbook has started! You can still join the planning TG-groups from here: patch, yearbook.

By participating in the designing of one or both will reward you a fuksi point!

  1. CapChats start!

The reservation-sheet for CapChats will be posted in Captains’ Inform on Thursday at 12:00! More times will be announced weekly! You can also come with a friend, remember to fill both your names to the sheet!

  1. Remember to pay your overalls!

You’ve gotten an email with the following payment details:

Recipient: Prosessiteekkarit ry

Account number: FI12 5780 3820 1874 81

Sum: 40 € only overalls, 50 € overalls + belt

Reference: 2215

Due date: 23.10.

Remember to pay for the overalls!

If you have any questions regarding the overalls or payment, be in contact with @juliajankavaara.



II       Events arranged by PT and CHEM


1.     English Bachelors’ Sitz


Jolly good show!


Put on your fines liveries and prep your prim and posh manners for the wildest tea party of your life as the Eng B.Sc Sitz take over Smökki in style on the 22nd of October!


Put aside your jealousy of the lifestyle of British Royalty (RIP The Queen) and join the other English Bachelor Guild fuksis for late afternoon tea with a twist. The evening will begin with a cocktail party at 17.30 and the sitz themselves will start with the ring of the gong at 18:30. No dilly-dallying, there are three delicious courses and delightful guests from all five bilingual guilds waiting for you with plenty of tea to spill!


You don’t want to miss this!


  1. Process Optimization 25.10.


The Process of 2022 was launched with potential and on schedule. During the fall, we have monitored the progress of it and found the source material excellent. However, in order to achieve the best result and to maintain the steady state of the process, fine parameter adjustment is required. It's time to optimize the process!


Welcome to The Process Optimization 2022 on Tuesday the 25th of October! The optimization will be performed during the evening in the gloom of Otaniemi, so keep your schedule free from 16:30 onwards and remember to pack some warm clothes fit for the cold Finnish weather and some cheery Prosessiteekkari -spirit!


This is a significant step on your journey of becoming a Prosessiteekkari, you don't want to miss this!


Registration for the event ends the 21st of October!


  1. Save the date: Nightmare in Teekkari Village 29.10.


Teekkari Village has been faced with a suspicious amount of mishaps recently. The Captains joined forces and set off to figure out if supernatural beings could be behind these misfortunes. What they discovered could seal not only their fate, but that of all of Otaniemi…


As autumn darkens the sky, we’ll join Inkubio in celebrating Halloween on the 29th of October starting at 16:30. You’ll get to go around Otaniemi together in groups and solve all kinds of mysteries, each more devious than the next. The night will peak with an afterparty at OK20. The signup for the event will open in Inkubio's Ilmomasiina on the 18th of October at 12 and both guilds will have their own fuksi quota. In the signup you can wish for one person who you’d like to be on your team.


The sign-up for the event can be found here:


  1. Professor café 24.10.


It's time for the autumn Professor cafés! So come to the first floor lobby of the School of Chemical Engineering on Monday 24.10. at 4:00 p.m. to have a coffee with the teaching staff. You can freely chat with the professors about things that concern you, such as your major, summer jobs, etc. Now is a great opportunity to talk about your own feelings and influence the teaching!


  1. Save the date: Officials Fair 3.11.


‘How can I become a PT Official, and what do they even do?’, you may be thinking. Don’t worry! In the Officials Fair on the 3rd of October, you get to hear about all the different things you can do for PT, and how you can apply for them!


  1. Save the date: PTxAS MegaChill 4.11.


After an active October and in the heat of an even more active November it’s important to take care of your wellbeing. Let’s do it together with AS-fuksis on the 4th of November!



III     Other events


  1. Save the date: Polin appro 9.-10.11.

The Teekkari tradition weeks are approaching and so is Polin Appro!

Ticket sales for the event will open on on Tuesday, October 25th at 14:00. In addition, tickets will be sold physically in Otaniemi in the lobby of the Undergraduate center (Otakaari 1) on Wednesday 26th October and Thursday 27th October, both days from 12:00 to 15:00. When buying a ticket, you choose the appro day and your starting time.

The ticket price is 15€.

The age limit for the event is K18.

All information about Dipolin appro and Polin appro will be published on their telegram channel:

You can also follow us on Instagram @polinappro !

  1. Fuksis’ Jubilee Sitsit 14.11.

Dear fuksis,

On the Teekkari Tradition Weeks in November will take place the fuksi year’s most glamorous sitsit – the Fuksis’ Jubilee Sitsit! You’ll get to enjoy a most elegant and festive atmosphere at Servin mökki in the evening of Monday 14.11.✨

The sitsi ticket sales will take place on Monday 24.10. at 8.00 at the main lobby of the Undergraduate Centre, and queuing will occur outside the Z door at Alvari Square.

More info at the event’s FB page

The language of the Fuksis’ Jubilee Sitsit event is Finnish. If you’re interested in attending an equally elegant and festive sitsit in English, check out the International Grand Sitsit held on the very next day!

Already looking forward to the sitsit,

Henri Brax

Fuksi Major




IV    Fuksi Points


Here’s a reminder about the compulsory fuksi points in order to get your teekkari cap and chances to get them. Here are listed some elective points and notifications. Explanations for all the fuksi points will be available on our website here!



1.     Compulsory points

10 Credits: Earned by gathering 10 credits during the academic year. Piece of cake!

The Great Work Point: Earned by working a 6 hour work shift at a big event, primarily PT’s or other CHEM Guild’s annual ball.

Association meeting: Earned by attending one association meeting. The members will be informed about these via email 2 weeks prior.

Museum visit: A guided tour of the Museum of Student Life! More information will be given later.

Song exam: A relaxed singing session with TuNa, More information will be given later.

CapChat: A relaxed chat with TuNa, times will be available on Thursday!

Fuksi Jäynä: More information will be given later.


2.     Voluntary points

CanCan: By participating and performing with CanCan, you can earn up to three fuksi points!

Fuksi Patch: By helping with the Fuksi Patch planning will get you one point, sewing the patch on your overalls gives you a second point!

Fuksi Yearbook: By participating in the designing of the yearbook grants you one point, second point will be rewarded from participating in the yearbook (having your picture included)!

Sports Point: By attending the weekly PT x TIK regular sport sessions can earn you up to three points in the fuksi point card!

Old guild point: Participating in events held by the older CHEM-guilds gets you a point! (One per guild :3)

Coffee Break at pHuone: You can get a point from participating in three PauseTimes!

Process Optimization: The important part in a PT-fuksis journey also rewards the participants with a Fuksi Point with the same name!

Professor café: You can get the Study related event -Fuksi Point from this event!

Nightmare in Teekkari Village: Point for participating!

Officials Fair: Point for this too :)

PYTAS-chillis: You can get the Fuksi Chillax-point from this event!




V      Greetings


Anna: Phew, the fall truly is a busy time, but here we go! This week will be spent planning all sorts of stuff for you guys and organising the English Bachelor Fuksi Sitsis, which I’m super duper excited for!! And soon enough we get to kick off the PäleWarttis and finally get some time with all of you :) In the spirit of working hard and playing hard this week’s song of the week could be Play Hard!



Eetu: Exam-week is just around the corner, thankfully i only have a few exams. It’s been a very fun weekend, now I’m already anticipating future events!


Weekly picture of Nugget:



With love,
