Moikka moi!

Alla EESTECin paikallistoimikuntien kattojärjestön, EESTEC Internationalin, kuukausittainen toimintaraportti. Tapahtumien lisäksi  EESTEC tarjoaa myös paljon muuta mielenkiintoista puuhaa. Mikäli toiminta kansainvälisessä organisaatiossa kiinnostaa, ota yhteyttä paikalliseen boardiimme!

EESTEC toivottaa myös kaikille onnea tenttiviikon rutistuksiin! :)


Monthly report-February

Dear EESTECers,

This month for 2012 will be remembered as month of preparations and hard work both for LC’s (so many different events on March) as well as for International. As you will see below, this was one very hard-working month and below is the biggest report of the Board for this year.
There is only one month left until the Congress, we are glad to see all of you again in Tallinn and Riga. It will definitely be a memorable Congress, with 120 representatives around Europe and at least 40 more coming for few days, including several alumni that we are excited to welcome there.
Additionally, this month is the 1st FR annual Meeting in Nis to build a strong FR team for upcoming years.
We are glad to present you something great: Google Greece decided to support our EESTEC Android Competition and we are delightful to welcome such an inspirational mentor in our competition.
Apart form that, the previous month was hard working since we are trying to finalise all the amazing projects we developed during the year and make plans on actions to be done in the following years, including Lykeion, Android Competition, EESTEC SummerSchool, Distance Learning, Ethics Guide, Ranking System, EBIOS, etc.
We also submitted the ESA affiliation proposal which was delayed several months because of ESA being restructured, but now it is submitted and we hope for the best with it.
Enjoy reading the detailed actions and see you in Tallinn and Riga with an amazing Congress!

Int. Board

Every person from International Board:

Chairman - Grigoris Chrysos:

Treasurer - Catalina Stoica: 

VC-EA - J. Fernando Sánchez Rada:

VC-IA - Merve Salihoğlu:

VC-PA- Mihai Chirita:

Grigoris Chrysos
EESTEC International Chairman

mail: board[at]eestec[dot]net
mail2: chairman[at]eestec[dot]net
skype: grigoriosgc

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