LC Nis Serbiassa järjestää 15.-23.10. IT-aiheisen Workshopin, jossa aiheena "Modern Web Technologies", sisältäen mm. online-markkinointia, logojen ja käyttöliittymien suunnittelua yms. Ohjelmassa on kaksi päivää seminaarityyppistä opetusta ja yksi päivä käytännön harjoittelua yrityksien laboratorioissa. Samalla on myös web-design ja digital-art näyttely, johon tapahtuman osallistujat voivat tuoda mahdollisia omia töitään näytille.
Ohjelmassa myös vapaampaa toimintaa, bileitä ja serbialaiseen kulttuuriin sekä paikkoihin tutustumista. Ilmoittautumisen DL on 25.9. ja ilmoittautumiset minulle osoitteeseen helsinki-cp@eestec.org sitä ennen. Lisätietoja samasta osoitteesta sekä meilin lopussa olevasta kutsusta.
Terveisin, Aki Oksanen
------------------------------------------- Mr. Aki Oksanen EESTEC LC Helsinki "The Face Is Servin-Maijan tie 12D45 Contact Person '06 Familiar, But 02150 Espoo, Finland I Can't Quite +358 (0)40 702 7053 Remember My Name" -------------------------------------------
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Hello people of EESTEC, their parents, professors, fools & horsesâ¦. :)
Have you ever thought about what do online marketing, Internet branding, a successful interface and logo design signify? And how immense the contribution of web technologies in modern day business actually is?! World's start-up enterprises? How to advance your own business?
The answers to these, and a lot more questions, will be given in scope of the workshop/seminar organized by LC Niš.
- Type of event: Workshop - Topic: Modern Web Technologies - Dates: 2006, October 15-23 - Deadline for application is: September 25th
- Participants: 15 EESTEC-ers, and over 50 men employed in Serbian companies. - Lectures: 2 days of theory lectures, and 1 day of practical training in laboratories. - Lecture languages: English for EESTEC-ers and Serbian for native companies.
Some of the topics will be:
- Online marketing - Internet brending - Interface design - Logo design - eLearning - Start-up companies - Short review on some of technologies (.NET, Java, PHP)
During the event a review of web technologies will be made, and how each of them are used today, as well as presentation of already used native and foreign companies' solutions for advancing business, among which is Microsoft as well as IBM and CISCO are also possible.
The participants will have the chance to get answers to questions of interest from well-known experts in their fields, all in support of teaching how to include modern web technologies into modern business and education.
Another very important thing is that during the seminar, an exhibition of web design and digital art will be set, where all those who are interested can present their work to the workshop/seminar participants. For this reason, we invite all interested EESTEC-ers to take part in this exhibition. The details about sending the works for the exhibition will be known soon. Your works will get the chance to be seen by more than 1000 of people who will attend or visit the workshop/seminar.
In addition to the official part of the workshop, there is also an inevitable part of each EESTEC event, that is: lots of fun, wild parties, the best of Serbian cuisine, and many other interesting things arranged merely for your pleasure, with the purpose of making your stay in Niš unforgettable. As mentioned earlier, we are ready to accommodate 15 participants. An old EESTEC rule "First come, first served" will be applied. I will ask every CP to send me as soon as they can the filled application forms and list of candidate priorities from their LC on following e-mail fivewho[at]gmail.com
You can find an application form in attachment.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Kind regards