Moikka Eestecläiset!
Tässä ois workshop-kutsut LC Munichiltä. Jos vähänkään kiinnostaa lähteä
katsomaan Saksan meininkiä niin tässä kelpo mahdollisuus! Huomaa, että alempi kutsu "WiE - Women in Engineering" vain naisille. Hakemukset tulee lähettää viimeistään 24.3. :)
Terkuin, Riina
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LC Munich
Workshop: "MENE 2010 - Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics"
Date: 24th April - 2nd May
Deadline to apply is 24th of March.
Number of participants: at least 15
Application form: here
Applications to:

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We are happy to announce our Workshop "MENE 2010 - Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics" once again after its great success last year!
We cooperate with two departments of our university. Lectures are given by the professors. There will be also a practical part, and you will have the opportunity to visit the clean-room at the labs.
We might also be visiting "Texas Instruments", our main sponsor.
And whats going on during free-time?
We will show you the great city of Munich, including its nightlife!!!
And you will take part in our International Motivation weekend (as part of the workshop), which will be the biggest EESTEC-event ever!! We will have a soft-skill training there and big parties!!
Don't think to long, fill out the application form!

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LC Munich
Workshop: "WiE - Women in Engineering"
Date: 24th April - 2nd May
Deadline to apply is 24th of March.
Number of participants: at least 15 (just for women :-))
Application form: here
Applications to:

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In cooperation with our "Gender Zentrum" (Gender studies department at our faculty - yes, we have that...) we are happy to announce the first "Women in Engineering" Workshop. In the academic part there will be topics like difficulties and barriers at daily women engineers work, women networks and job-planning. In other words: The focus is on strengthening the self-confidence of future women engineers.
There also will be a guide through one of our departments at the university. On thursday we will have a women-contact-forum, where you can get connections to some women engineers from companies next to Munich.
Apart from the lectures we will show you bavarian lifestyle (including city, nightlife, cultural aspects etc.).
And of course - you will take part in our International Motivation weekend (as part of the workshop), which will be the biggest EESTEC-event ever :-) We will have a soft-skill training there and big parties!!
So don't be foolish, fill out the application form! Remember, you MUST be female to apply, that's a condition of our gender studies department.

Riina Mikkonen
Contact Person
EESTEC LC Helsinki