Tarjolla neljä eri tapahtumaa!


Turkin LC Istanbul järjestää samaan aikaan kaksi workshoppia 4.-11.3.2012:

(1)    ”CLOCODILE”                                     Cloud computing. Pilvilaskennan perusteet, hyödyt ja haitat.

(2)    Women in Engineering'12            Naisten asema yhteiskunnassa yritysmaailmassa. Vain naispuolisille hakijoille.

Istanbul on miljoonakaupunkina ehdottomasti must-see – Nämä tapahtumat mahdollistavat perinpohjaisen ja halvan tutustumisen!


(3) Turkin LC Ankara järjestää 10.-17.3. workshopin nimeltä ”TOOL: Engineering Economics & Management”.

Projektien organisointi, suunnittelu ja budjetointi. Strategiat. Teollinen johtaminen, teollisuustalous, päätösanalyysit.

EU-rahoitteinen: 70% lentolippukuluista korvataan!


(4) Serbian LC Belgrade järjestää eventin 11.-18.3.2012 nimeltä ”Belgrade State of Mind”, joka keskittyy puhtaasti hauskanpitoon ilman luentoja.


Tarkemmat tapahtumakuvaukset linkkeineen alla.

Menopaluu-lentoliput alkaen 200-350e. Kaikki muu tarpeellinen tulee EESTEC-hengessä järjestävältä taholta.




(1)          Workshop CLOCODILE



What about using just a thin LCD except for a 3 kg laptop or a desktop? What if there weren’t any harddisks in your computers? We are proud to announce our upcoming workshop “CLOCODILE” (CLOud COmputing and Delightful Istanbul Life is Enclosed) which will be held on 4 - 11 March 2012, in Istanbul, Turkey.


(2)          Workshop Women in Engineering'12



In cooperation with our  WiE (Women in Engineering) affinity group, we are proud to announce the first "Women in Engineering’12" Workshop as LC Istanbul which will be held on 4 - 11 March 2012, in Istanbul, Turkey.

In the light of mission of WiE, we will start the discussion the position of women in society and business life and their problems in working places ,and, enterprising women in business. In addition to all these issues there are  many special  trainings that contribute our participants the development of their personal and career. We are glad that our workshop has a special day for all women  on 8tf of March, International Women's day, we will end our workshop with famous people from art and bussiness life.


(3)          Workshop TOOL: Engineering Economics & Management -



As EESTEC’ers, which are the best students in their faculties, we are all trying to be good engineers in our fields, but do you think only technical lectures we have had is enough to be a good one? If you say “No way!”, you need the correct TOOL! LC Ankara is proud to announce a brand-new international event, in cooperation with EESTEC Training Team: TOOL, a.k.a. Topic Oriented Optimized Learning.
One more important detail: TOOL is supported by EU Youth in Action Programme, which means 70% of travel costs from your city to Ankara will be covered for EU citizens as well as 100% of accomodation and food expenses as always.


(4)          Event Belgrade State of Mind



                Have you ever thought of attending a seven-days long city rally? Or even better, seven-nights long city rally? No…? Well, this is the right moment to do that!

LC Belgrade proudly presents you the exchange of all the exchanges… ”Belgrade State of Mind”… You might have heard of it, or even experienced the part of it, but the fact is… There are no words to describe this feeling… We can just give you a little glimpse of what to expect this March…







Ukko Liukkonen

EESTEC LC Helsinki
