Vaikka tenttikausi onkin varmasti lähellä jokaisen sydäntä,
nyt on aika siirtyä kesälaitumille. Vietitpä kesää sitten
opiskellen tai töissä, EESTECin workshopit ja kesävaihdot
tarjoavat tervetullutta vaihtelua puurtamiselle.
1) Workshop "IT" 7.7.-14.7.2012
Antwerp, Belgia DL 8.6.2012
LC Antwerp
Tässä on loistava mahdollisuus tutustua
Plone-sisällönhallintahallintajärjestelmään tai lähteä mukaan
EESTECin IT-projekteihin. Belgian suurin kaupunki Antwerp
tarjoaa myös hienot puitteet kesäiseen tutkimusmatkailuun
hauskassa seurassa. Vohveleita, paikallisia oluita ja iloista
opiskelijaelämää...heti hakemusta lähettämään!
2) Event "Greece Me Up" 24.7.- 30.7.2012
Ateena, Kreikka DL 18.3.2012
LC Athens
EESTEC-kesävaihto tulee taas! Ateenalaiset ystävämme vievät
sinut unohtumattomalle matkalle Thessalonikiin, Verginaan ja
Chalkidikiin. Tiedossa on mm. rantoja, nähtävyyksiä, herkkuja
ja kuumankosteita bileitä kreikkalaisin maustein!
Tarkemmat tapahtumakuvaukset linkkeineen alta. Kaikki muu
tulee EESTEC-hengessä järjestävältä taholta: majoitus,
laatuseura, ruoka, iltaohjelma...
1) Workshop "IT"
Ever interested in what Plone has to offer? Ever wanted to
learn more about a technology that could mean well paid work
and tons of contacts? Here's your opportunity! Moreover, there
will be experienced members of the International EESTEC IT
Team that can teach you how to get involved in the team to put
all this new knowledge into action, with the best mentors to
guide you. All you need is a laptop and a UTP cable.
Interested in helping out the EESTEC IT team? You want to
improve but you just don't know how to? This is
your chance! JLC Antwerp organizes an ITT event as its first
event in cooperation with Plone, the powerful and flexible
system powering During this event, you will have
the opportunity to learn about the system from professional
developers and contribute both to EESTEC IT projects and even
to the plone system itself. You can also work on other EESTEC
IT projects such as Lykeion, we provide the infrastructure for
a week of IT activity.
Of course we will also provide the relaxation after the
coding, and show you the beautiful city of Antwerp! The
largest city of Belgium, featuring nice places such as the
"Groenplaats", the "Meir", the "Keyserlei", and a cathedral.
Additionally we have a harbor, French fries (lots), traffic, a
river, the tallest building in Belgium, waffles, chocolate,
and much more. You will also see the University of Antwerp and
it's happy students. Additionally, we will also introduce you
to Belgian beer and "cantus" which is a traditional student
singing night. As this is an advanced skills workshop basic
programming experience are required, preferably in
object-oriented programming.
2) Event "Greece Me Up"
LC Athens is taking you to the second largest city in Greece,
Thessaloniki, also known as the queen of the North! Who hasn't
heard of one of the best party cities worldwide, that combines
the ancient with the new! The White Tower, the roman forum,
the famous delicious pastries (it is impossible to leave the
city without visiting its bakeries!) , the relaxed way of
living of its people, even a walk down the seaside promenade
are only some of the city's treasures...Also, we have planned
a day trip to the site of Vergina, the burial site of the
kings of Macedon including Philip II, and also to Edessa, a
town that's famous for the waterfalls and the amazing scenery
it provides.
But that doesn't stop there! Our participants will get the
chance to attend our International Motivational Weekend (yes,
you read correctly!) with no charge, taking place during the
last 3 days of our exchange in Chalkidiki!
Get ready for camping, endless sun, parties... Get ready to
Sofia Krogerus
Contact person
EESTEC LC Helsinki