Uusi lukukausi, uudet kujeet, ja kenties uusi EESTEC-elämys...
1) Workshop "It's solar time" 26.10.-2.11.2012
Novi sad, Serbia DL 23.9.2012
LC Novi sad
Jos kaipaat aurinkoa elämääsi, ota suunnaksi Serbia. Lisää
aurinkoenergiatietämystäsi, vieraile paikallisen yliopiston
omassa aurinkopuistossa CRESPQ:ssa ja lataa akkusi Novi sadin
viriilissä yöelämässä.
2) Workshop ”INSoBLia” 21.10.-27.10.2012
Banja luka, Bosnia Hertsegovina DL 22.9.2012
LC Banja luka
Nyt on aika kaivaa lentäjänhattu esiin! Tiedossa on paljon
tietoa lentokoneista ja niissä käytettävistä
navigointijärjestelmistä, ja mikä parasta lähikontaktia
lentokoneisiin ja helikoptereihin.
3) Workshop "Bad Cars Gone Electric" 3.11.
Ljubljana, Kroatia DL 3.10.2012
LC Ljubljana
Ljubljanan vilske, maaseudun rauha, sähköautojen rakentelu,
uusiutuva energia ja teollisuustietous kaikki samassa paketissa,
tässä workshopissa ei ehdi koti-ikävä yllättämään!
4) Event “International Motivational Weekend 2012” 9.11. -11.11.2012
Ljubljana, Kroatia DL
LC Ljubljana
Liiku, rentoudu ja verkostoidu loistavassa seurassa Kroatian
maaseudulla. Tähän tapahtumaan on 50 euron suuruinen
Tarkemmat tapahtumakuvaukset linkkeineen alta. Kaikki muu tulee
EESTEC-hengessä järjestävältä taholta: majoitus, laatuseura,
ruoka, iltaohjelma...
1) Workshop "It's solar time"
Hello dear EESTECers!
Have you ever wondered how green energy is made? Or especially
bright and green solar energy? How does it work ? And why it’s
the best alternative energy? How is it implemented in our nearby
environment? If the answer is yes, yes and YES! Then it’s solar
time in LC NOVI SAD!
We will take you through the best journey of your green life.
On the lectures, we are going to learn more about alternative
energy and especially solar energy: how it is implemented, what
technology is behind it and see it in use - generating clean
Watts right on the spot, at our Faculty of Technical Sciences.
The same group of people who created our small photovoltaic
power plant CRESPQ, are the ones who will be holding the
lectures for you.
With all this in mind there's nothing other left for you to do
but to apply, hopefully start packing and get ready to soak up
the Sun!...
2) Workshop ”INSoBLia”
Dear EESTECers,
We were penguins last year and what about this one?
Isn’t the time to expand our horizons and look in the sky? We
think it is.:)
So, after the last year exciting and successful workshop it is
both our honor and a privilege to announce this year’s on topic
of Inertial Navigation Systems or as we like to call it -
INSoBLia (Inertial Navigation Systems October 2012 Banja Luka In
Air) from 21st until 27th October.
First two days of lectures will cover the basics of flying from
historical, technical and licensing point of view. Later on, we
will get into serious technical details of the navigation
systems that aircrafts are using. In the afternoons, we will be
paying visits to the nearby airport, aero club and the
helicopter service. By visiting these places, you will be able
to see how theory is applied in practice.
3) Workshop "Bad Cars Gone Electric"
Dear EESTECers,
you may stop worrying now! LC Ljubljana is proud to announce
this year’s workshop, a continuation of last year’s amazing
electrically powered adventure. Yes, we’ve upgraded the concept
and invite you to a more awesome, more sophisticated “Bad Cars
Gone Electric 2”!
We invite you to join us from the 3rd (arrival day) to the 11th
(departure day) of November 2012 for another unforgettable
EESTEC experience brought to you by LC Ljubljana. What is the
The topic of the workshop will once more be electric cars, so
we’re going to spend the week learning about how they work,
general implementation into the current infrastructure,
obstacles industries are facing for instance recycling,
efficient energy usage, the batteries etc...
We’ll also talk about clean energy, specifically solar power,
where some experts from both fields will explain the areas that
the media sometimes doesn’t want to talk about. Is the field of
clean energy a black/white or yes/no topic? Is there a “best”
clean energy? Can any of them replace fossil fuel permanently
and sustainably?
But lectures aren’t the only thing on the schedule. If the topic
are electric cars, why not just make some of our own? Well we
About half of the academic part will be spent building electric
cars from scratch (But in a fun, relaxed and amusing way).
4) Event “International Motivational Weekend 2012”
Dear EESTECers,
we are announcing our 4th International Motivational Weekend,
happening between the 9th and 11th of November 2012.
We’re bringing the participants of our workshop »Bad cars gone
electric 2« there as a conclusion to a great event and we’re
going to have soft-skills trainings during the day, followed by
even more awesome theme parties to keep us up till early
The participation fee is 55€, which includes accommodation,
transport from Ljubljana, 3 meals a day and free theme parties.
At the IMW we will be accompanied by members of other
associations, so we definitely need all of you to join us and
show them them our EESTEC spirit.
The venue is the same as last year and year before
that, Kranjska Gora, where you can enjoy our beautiful
Sofia Krogerus
Contact person
EESTEC LC Helsinki