EESTEC International hakee tekijöitä erilaisiin toimikuntiin ja minua pyydettiin välittämään tietoa EESTEC Magazine Teamin hausta. Alla on alkuperäinen viesti jossa tarkeempaa tietoa kyseisestä toimikunnasta. Kiinnostuessaan voi asioista kysellä joko LC Helsingin hallitukselta (yhteystiedot sivuillamme) tai lähettämällä mailia suoraan Ivanille (yhteystiedot alla).
Hyvää wappua toivottaen Taru
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*Official Call for EESTEC Magazine Team*
Dear EESTECers!
We are all aware of EESTEC expansion and due to that EESTEC brand visibility is one of the main points of promotion activities. All those EESTECers, students, companies, Universities, need to know who we are and what we do! That's why we need to work on one of the most important promo material we have at the moment- *EESTEC Magazine.*
EESTEC Magazine needs a new team and a new coordinator!
In 2010-2011, this team will prepare the EESTEC Magazine and will show to everyone their creativity and ideas. EESTECers will find out news about activities all around Europe, Universities will promote themselves and companies will find out how to become a part of EESTEC family, how to promote themselves among students and offer us career opportunities.
If you want to be a part of this amazing team, to be involved, to get some responsibility in design and content preparation of EESTEC Magazine, then
***please send your application to *vc-pa[at]**eestec.net* ***
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*DEADLINE : 22th MAY 2010 Monday.** *
Here are the main positions and missions:
- *Magazine Team Coordinator *Magazine Team Coordinator is responsible for content of the Magazine, articles and coordination with the team.
- *Magazine Team Coordinator assistants *Assistants can be members of any LC or JLC of EESTEC. They have to keep constant communication with Magazine Team coordinator and help in gathering articles from LC/JLCs. Assistants should work together with coordinator as a team, to be involved in making/creating/collecting articles and to be creative as much as they can. - *Graphical layout responsible *We need a person, skilled in desktop publishing software, member of any EESTEC LC or JLC will be responsible for graphical layout of the Magazine. - *Quality-check Team *Quality check team will do spell and grammar check, as well as layout and design check. - *Photography coordinator*
We need a person to be in charge of collecting, editing and publishing photos for the Magazine.
- *Advertising coordinator***
We need a person which will cooperate with PA and FR departments, in order to find possible donors, support or sponsorship for printing and distribution of EESTEC Magazine
I am looking forward to your replies and questions. Do not hesitate to ask me if there is something unclear regarding to any of those positions.
Sincerely yours,
Ivan Kovačević