project:eestec (fwd)
Välitänpä minäkin vielä tämän kutsun eteenpäin. Eli kyseessä on Novi Sadin järjestämä workshop-tyylinen nelipäiväinen tapahtuma 9.-12.2. aiheena projektien hallinta yms. aiheeseen liittyvä. Kiva paikka ja kivoja ihmisiä, jos tällainen lyhyempi irtiotto arjesta osuu aikatauluun... Yhteydenotot taas ASAP, varoitusaika on aika lyhyt.
Terveisin, Aki Oksanen
Ps. Kokous Keltsussa ke 24.1. klo 18.00, paikkana non-smoking puoli ravintolan takaosassa, näkyvillä EESTEC-rekvisiittaa, tervetuloa!
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I am just forwarding a mail that our chairwoman has written.
Dear CPs,
LC Novi Sad, as you probably know, is organizing a short exchange from 9th till 12th of February. It was supposed to be held last week but we had only 3 participants so we moved it hoping these dates would be more suitable.
I apologize for the short notice and maybe not the best timing during the year because of exam period but this is the thing in plain words: We got the money and we want to spend it all on you:)). We had some limitations tough, and therefore was the short notice and only 4 days.
I am sure that EESTEC world won't let us down this time. Let's not waste money if nothing else. By the way, if you have any doubts about the quality of our events, just ask around and you'll realize that the best place to spend 9-12th February is in Novi Sad.
See you! Tijana Ruzic chairwoman of EESTEC LC Novi Sad mob: +381 63 85 86 082 e-mail: web:
participants (1)
Aki Oksanen