Official Call for Board Assistants
Kaipaatko nakkia? Kaipaatko kansainvälistä nakkia? Lähde mukaan EESTEC International toimintaan! Tällä hetkellä haetaan fiksuja tyyppejä mitä erilaisempiin ja toinen toistaan mielenkiintoisempiin tehtäviin, joista voit lukea lisää alta. Sinua tarvitaan! Jos EESTEC:n toiminta entuudestaan ei ole tuttua niin ole huoleti. EESTEC tempaa helposti mukaansa, tekemällä oppii ja muut innokkaat nuoret opastavat sinut mielellään alkuun! Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet nakinpaistajille ovat englannin taito ja idearikkaus.
Terveisin Taru
Ps. Vaikka nyt et vielä mihinkään mukaan tempautuisikaan niin muista kysyä jälkikäteenkin jos pistää nakin paikalta. EESTEC:llä on aina jossain joku pikku nakki joka odottaa toteuttajaansa :)
Dear EESTECers,
During past years, Board Assistants showed that they are the most important part of EESTEC International, link between LCs and International Board, the main idea makers and people without whom many things couldn't have been possible!
If you feel that you can contribute to EESTEC do not hesitate to apply for board assistant position. Beside hard work you will be able to gain even more EESTEC friends, lots of experience in different kind of fields, much better communication skills especially in area of international communication, the thrill of successfully completing projects that had the challenge of working with people you have never seen!
If you don't know where you would fit best or you think you are not experienced enough, think no more - read the short descriptions of Board positions to follow and apply as each one of you is invaluable for making EESTEC better!
**Deadline to apply is 2nd of May!**
--------------------------------------------------------------- *Chairman*
Dear EESTECers!
This year we are going to work on lot of operational tasks which represents big challenge for whole EESTEC community. In order to be efficient and to make great results which will make all EESTECers happy and satisfied, we need enthusiastic, hardworking and motivated people to help us with our tasks.
The main topics for this department will be as the following:
- EESTEC Strategic planning - EESTEC Event standards development - EESTEC Topic - ECM preparations - Congress preparations - International fund raising calls for LCs platform - New EESTEC International Projects from future board assistants
If you are interested to work on these tasks apply now on chairman[at] Also, If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask on the same email.
--------------------------------------------------------------- *Vice-Chairwoman for Internal Affairs*
Dearest EESTECers,
Department of Internal Affairs is one of the main bridges on the way of communication of LCs/JLCs internally and also between LCs/JLCs and the International Board. It is a team of so many possibilities for a person to develop their teamwork, communication and all other skills, a team of friends even though they might be thousands of kilometres away. Still don't know if you want to be part of it?
Some of the topics covered in this area:
- working on the monthly Newsletter - collecting reports (Status report, Event planning, Event report, Feedback report, etc) - editing of guides (CP, Activation & Motivation, etc) - keeping the information on up to date and working with ITT towards improvement - pursuing fluent communication and building friendships among all LCs/JLCs - motivation of LCs/JLCs to organize and participate in local as well as in international level
However, these are only a few of the tasks covered. All fresh ideas concerning communication, motivation and information flow within EESTEC is welcome in this area! :)
If you want to be a member of this team, a team of hardworking, fun-loving and EESTEC spirited people, send me an email to vc-ia[at]! :)
--------------------------------------------------------------- *Vice Chairman for External Affairs*
Dear EESTECers!
Would you like to help EESTEC grow widespread along Europe? Would you like to help to strengthen our relations with other associations? From External Affairs department, I'd like to work along with many of you during this year, so if you're willing to contribute further to EESTEC at international level, becoming EA Board Assistant can be a good opportunity for you!
These are some of the issues which will be worked on during the year:
- Expansion. Research, creation and activation of potential and current observers - Relations with other associations (mostly students) and joint projects - Deep work on relations with IFISO members - Improvement and creation of guides, info material for world outside EESTEC
Regarding expansion, the main focus this year will be on central Europe however, we won't deny cooperation with anyone willing to join our big family. I would like to specially encourage people from western Europe to help us to make a big effort in this area.
If you are interested in becoming BA, send me a mail at vc-ea[at]eestec.netwriting about yourself (experience, skills...) and what you think you can contribute for External Affairs.
We'll be glad to have your help during this year. We're waiting for you!
--------------------------------------------------------------- *Vice Chairman for Publications and Administration*
This is a call to all EESTEC'ers, especially for those creative ones! If you pay attention to be innovative in every part of your life. If you are interested in branding, marketing, graphical design and advertisements. If you are a creative genius with lots of ideas to promote EESTEC more professional.
Here is a chance to make your ideas happen: Join to the Board Assistant position in Publications and Administration department.
Main topics:
- Two publications: EESTEC Magazine & Yearbook - Improving the quality of our traditional publications. - EESTEC Branding Guide - Reanalyzing. Making the standards clear. - Control of EESTEC Branding rules in every application. - Creating EESTEC Promo package
Open for new ideas ! Interested people please contact vc-pa[at]
--------------------------------------------------------------- *Treasurer*
Dear EESTECers around Europe,
This year we will work hard on fund raising for EESTEC International. There will be teams who will work on different tasks. Tasks for this year will be:
- Contacting the companies for support of EESTEC International ; - Contacting the companies for possible Internships for EESTEC members; - Contacting the LCs and asking for donation according to the donation system; - Work in a project applications for EU and other possible grants. - Fund raising for OpenDAY
If you found your challenge, send a mail to treasurer[at]
On behalf of International board,
participants (1)
Taru Simonen