[EESTEC intl.] Jäseniä sponsorointiryhmälle
Heippa kaikki!
Viime viikko oli siis kovaa kokoustamista ja tietysti bilettämistäkin EESTECin kongressissa Madridissa ja nyt on uusi Board EESTEC Internationalille valittu ja sen jäsenet alkavat pikku hiljaa ottaa eri tahoihin yhteyttä.
(Minä en siis enää ole kansainvälisessä hallituksessa vaan tämä vuosi keskitytään meihin ja tehään Helsingistä kaunein ja PARAS LC! Lähetän vielä erillisen "Kongressin parhaat katkelmat" kunhan kykenen ja kerkiän)
Tällä hetkellä hallituksen Treasurer eri rahastonhoitaja hakee jokaisesta LC:stä henkilöä sponsoring teamiin. EESTECin rahastonhoitajalla on ehkäpä tärkeimpänä vastuualueenaan myös sponsorien löytäminen ja tuo on merkittävä ja ihan varmasti mielenkiintoinenkin nakki, koska maailman tsiljoonasta firmasta vasta muutamaa on raapaistu EESTECin nimissä.
Kysyisinkin, olisiko tältä listalta joku halukas liittymään tuohon sponsorointi tiimiin ja heittämään suomalaisia näkemyksiä/vastalauseita/ehdotuksia/kontakteja jne muille veijareille?
Nakki ei todellakaan ole kovin aikaa vievä, mutta meilien sisälukutaito- ja kirjoitus pitää olla hallussa.
Keväthymy ja -halaus! ^Emmi
-- Emmi Rautkylä -- Chair LC Helsinki 2005 -- +358 50 5469255 -- eestec-board@tky.hut.fi
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 23:29:46 +0200 (CEST) From: Marina Plavsic marince@tesla.rcub.bg.ac.yu To: cp@eestec.org Cc: borut.ceh@kiss.si, flow@mytum.de, franceska.vizzi@gmail.com, tiyama@neobee.net, skec@uns.ns.ac.yu, grossg@ee.ethz.ch
Dear CPs,
If this turns out to be long mail, I sill want you to read it till very end, as it is consisted of very important information.
I assume this is still old list and most of you now me but just in case I will introduce myself.
My name is Marina Plavsic and I was elected as a Treasurer for next year. Those of you who were on Congress had opportunity to hear that I plan to do real and serious work this year. And if I didn't sound persuasive or you didn't get me serious I will give you really hard time till you dont change your mind 
Anyway, fund raising and task given to me cannot be done just by one person. More over, help of assistants is also not enough. What I plan is to form a kind of sponsor team. Each LC should contribute with one person for that team. I want to make treasuer list. If I would write now purposes and advantages of this list you will definitely not read this mail till the end . So, please if you have Treasuer in your board send me his/her contact and if not then find someone who will be responsible for keeping in touch with me. There is too much to do and no time to waste, deadline for this is 20th April. Considering that you are still under impression of Congress this is even too much time. Consequences for LCs not cooperating will be much more serious then last year.
Next thing, I am looking for is Board Assistant who will be responsible for EU grants next year. This means, checking web page very regularly, notifying me about every possibility of getting grant for EESTEC International or for LCs particularly. If you think it is too much for one person then this task can be divided on two assistants. Deadline for this is 23rd April.
CPs, please take care that this mail comes to all active members of your LC. Dont keep this for yourself.
Looking forward to very fruitful year, but for that I need as much help as I can get. Please, send me all your suggestions , comments or propositions
Best regards, Marina
participants (1)
Emmi Rautkylä