Vielä ennen hallituksenvaihtoa lähettelen viimeiset EESTEC- tapahtumakutsut.
EESTEC International Training for Trainers -- "T4T"
Organizer - LC Zurich in cooperation with EESTEC Training Team Dates: *25th of February* to the *5th of March 2010* Number of Places: 15 EESTECers Deadline to Apply: 1th February 2010 Applicationform:
LC Zagreb Workshop: "Nuclear technology – power your future" Date: 6th - 13th March 20010 Deadline to apply is 10th of February. Number of participants: at least 20 Application form: here *please enter your passport number even if you do not need a visa Webpage:
Heads uppina vain, ehkä tulossa uudestaan: E-Health Madridissa in April from 19th to 25th
participants (1)
Henrik Nisén