Juuri sopivasti meidän tenttiviikolla 6.-13.5. LC Athens järjestää Workshopin aiheesta Software engineering & databases. Jos tuo kiinnostaa tai haluat hyvän tekosyyn skipata kevään tentit, ilmoittele siitä 10.4. mennessä. Alkuperäinen kutsu lopussa.
Terveisin, Aki Oksanen
------------------------------------------- Mr. Aki Oksanen EESTEC LC Helsinki "The Face Is Servin-Maijan tie 12D45 Contact Person '06 Familiar, But 02150 Espoo, Finland I Can't Quite +358 (0)40 702 7053 Remember My Name" -------------------------------------------
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EESTECers all around Europe LC Athens “hits” back again with its third ws.
In between congress and Elekrijada LC Athens invites all LCs to visit, have fun and of course learn in Athens. WSs in Athens are getting better and better as LC gets older, just like the wine. So forget everything that you have heard about previous events of LC Athens. This time things would be even better ;-)
Software engineering and databases will be the main subject of the workshop and as you know Greeks have the most efficient algorithm for fun, joy and good time combined with knowledge.
The program that will implement the aforementioned algorithm will run in Athens from 6-13 of May. Arrivals should be arranged during 6th of May and departures at 13th of May. We will be able to host 24 participants, 2 per LC. Applications should be strictly sent to until 10th of April, date when we will announce the distribution of the places.
Lectures, visits to famous ancient monuments, Greek sun, Greek sea and a lot of great parties will be only some of our functions.
Can’t wait to see all of you here in Athens,
Kostas Pelechrinis Chairman of LC Athens.
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participants (1)
Aki Oksanen