Kansainvälisen hallituksen edellinen ja uusi hallitus kokoontuivat muutama viikko sitten ja tässä on kooste keskustelluista asioista. Kuten huomaatte, asiaa ja tehtäviä on todella paljon, vaikka ne onneksi ovatkin lähes näkymättömissä tavalliselta jäseneltä.
Jos kiinnostaa, kansainvälinen hallitus valitsee itselleen apureita pienien hommien ja projektien tekemiseen. Niistä voi kysellä lisätietoja ihan meidän LC:n hallituksen kautta. Myös LC Helsinki kaipaa henkilöitä, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita toiminnasta, osallistukaa reippaasti taas syksyllä järjestettäviin paikallisiin kokouksiin ja muihin juttuihin. :)
Hauskaa kesänjatkoa, Aki
Ps. Alkuperäinen tiedote taas meilin lopussa
------------------------------------------- Mr. Aki Oksanen EESTEC LC Helsinki "The Face Is Servin-Maijan tie 12D45 Contact Person '06 Familiar, But 02150 Espoo, Finland I Can't Quite +358 (0)40 702 7053 Remember My Name" -------------------------------------------
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Hi EESTECers,
I would like to inform you that the board had it's first meeting between 11th and 16th of July. It was a handover BOM so we had members of the old board with us. I would like to thank Borut, Marina and especially Tijana who has been with us from the very begging almost till the end of the meeting.
The meeting was in Novi Sad, Belgrade and Mount Kopaonik, the board had a looooot of work to do, but we also had a lot of fun. On behalf of the board I have to express a big gratitude to both LC Belgrade and LC Novi Sad for hosting us. They had really taken a good care of us, hospitality could be their export product.
I don't want to bother you here with all the ideas and problems that we faced during HOBOM but as they say 'verba volat scripta menent' - you can find the board minutes on *http://www.eestec.org/resources/files/bom-2006-2007_1.pdf *If you are interested in any of the topics that we talk about and especially if you have ideas about some of them please write them on board@eestec.org , any feedback from you is greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
Marko Obrknezev Chairman of EESTEC International e-mail: chairman@eestec.org mob: +381 64 11 26 337
participants (1)
Aki Oksanen