Keväällä eventtiä Saksassa ja Puolassa sekä workshoppia Romaniassa, Sveitsissä ja Italiassa
Keväisessä Eurooppassa kuplii!
(1) Event "IMW 2012" 4.5.-6.5.2012 Mühlbach am Hochkönig DL 26.4.2012 LC Münich IMW eli "Kansainvälinen motivoiva viikonloppu" järjestetään Münchenin lähellä Alppien huikeissa maisemissa. Tavoitteena on päästä EESTECläisyyden makuun ja pitää hauskaa niin juhlimalla kuin ulkoillenkin. Tällä reissulla on osallistujamaksu 55e, mutta se kattaa muun muassa täysihoidon ja useimmat juomat.
(2) Event "All day, all night - what a Krakow" 14.4.- 21.4.2012 Krakova DL 18.3.2012 LC Krakow Upea Krakova tarjoaa tieteellistä, kulttuurillista ja historiallista sielunruokaa. Ohjelmassa ainutlaatuisia vierailukohteita, kuten Cyfronet supercomputing-keskus, maanalainen keskiaika-näyttely, Auschwitz-Birkenaun keskitysleiri ja museo sekä paljon muuta mielenkiintoista.Toimintaa riittää myös viikon jokaiselle illalle urheilun ja juhlimisen merkeissä.
(3) Workshop "Embedded Design Conference" 22.4.- 29.4.2012 Bukarest DL 20.3.2012 LC Bucharest Jos sulautetut järjestelmät, bioniikka ja koodaus kiinnostavat, huhtikuun lopussa kannattaa suunnata Bucharestissa järjestettävään workshoppiin. Teoriapuolen lisäksi tarjolla on tietysti paikallisia herkkuja, juhlia ja paljon muuta mukavaa.
(4) Workshop "Angry engineers" 29.4-7.5.2012 Zürich DL 25.3.2012 LC Zürich Sveitsiläiset ystävämme ovat haltioituneet Angry Birdsistä ja tarjoavat oivan mahdollisuuden antaa sioille kyytiä!Pienryhmissä suunnitellaan ja ohjelmoidaan oma katapultti ja sitten ei muuta kuin pelaamaan! Ohjelmaan kuuluu tietenkin myös biletystä ja viikonloppureissu maaseudulle. Tämä kaikki Sveitsin upeissa maisemissa!
(5) Workshop "Manage your project, manage your future 7.5-14.5.2012 Cosenza DL 9.4.2012 LC Cosenza Italia e la dolce vita! Lähde keväisen Etelä-Italian upeisiin maisemiin oppimaan uutta muun muassa projektijohtamisesta, projektien hallinasta ja ryhmätyöskentelytaidoista. Italialainen vieraanvaraisuus ja mahtavat bileet eivät myöskään taatusti jätä ketään kylmäksi!
Tarkemmat tapahtumakuvaukset linkkeineen alta. Kaikki muu tulee EESTEC-hengessä järjestävältä taholta: majoitus, laatuseura, ruoka, iltaohjelma...
(1) Event "IMW 2012" Dear EESTECers, LC Munich would like to invite you to the IMW 2012, Mühlbach am Hochkönig. For everyone, who doesn't know what an IMW is: An International Motivational Weekend is held to motivate new members (or future members) from all LCs in order to experience EESTEC and get an impression of the EESTEC Spirit. Therefore on Saturday EESTEC Trainers will have Softskill-Trainings with relaxing tournaments and baubleries prepared for all participants. As Friday and Saturday night, please enjoy two awesome theme parties.
(2) Event "All day, all night - what a Krakow" Dear EESTECers ! LC Krakow would like to announce you that the 4th edition of our workshop „KrakYourNet” is coming once again this spring! But surprise, surprise :D We have decided it is a time for changes and KrakYourNet4 is going to be only for our domestic students. For you we have a pleasure to present an exchange, organised in parallel with KYN4, named ‘All day, all night, what a Krakow’ which will take place from 14th to 21th of April in the heart of Poland. For the ones who has never been in Krakow it will be an opportunity to see everything the best what our city can offer. And if you have already visited Krakow before, now you will have the chance to explore it even more and truly fall in love with this center of academic, cultural, artistic life and one of the oldest and largest cities in Poland.
(3) Workshop "Embedded Design Conference" Hello there, dear CPs and EESTECers! Now, cutting to the chase, because April is the new March when it comes to EESTEC events, I would like to proudly announce you the first LC Bucharest Workshop in quite some time: "Embedded Design Conference" We hear so much about telemedicine, about integrated systems, about how cool it is to be a bio-medical engineer and how hype embedded systems are. But how about this: how about you do this for a change? What will you do during this week in Bucharest more precisely? You will assist lectures on the exact equipment that you will be bringing to use.You will get the chance to use up those programming skills that you thought to be gone, or maybe gain some.You will code on micro-controller devices so that you bring the concepts of telemedicine to life.
(4) Event "Angry Engineers" Dear EESTECers, Zurich is back with a new event. ARE YOU READY? Do you like fun and parties in a great international city? The experience of constructing a mighty weapon? Smashing birds against walls to subdue the filthy pigs? Taking defencelesse creatures under your patronage? Yes, of course you're right, we will play Angry Birds! In small groups you will design and program your self-made catapult. At the end, there will be a challenge in which you will proof your skills in the topic „aim and shoot“. Constructed with simple materials and programmed in LabView (will be provided during the week) your war machine is ready to show the little green pigs their master. Who's laughing now?! To participate, no extensive informatics knowledge is required. Don't forget to mention your programming experience in your motivational letter though, so we can plan the groups in advance. Despite of the new subject, many of our famous activities will take place! Live "La Vida Loca" on our tram party, experience Zurich on our city rally and enjoy yourself on our Swiss night!
(5) Workshop "Manage your project, manage your future LC COSENZA is proud to announce you our next Workshop, “Manage your Project, Manage your Future”. You can have good knowledge in your engineer field, but do you know how to work in a team? How to how to behave in project work? How to coordinate the work of more people? How to respect deadline? How to spend less money and time? This year we will focus on Project Management. It is the science and art to implement successfully projects. It is a science because it is based on techniques and methodologies to follow, and is considered an art because it is necessary to have different skills and know how. It is important because it allows to address any project in an effective, structured and repeatable.
### -Sofia
----- Sofia Krogerus Contact person EESTEC LC Helsinki
participants (1)
Sofia Krogerus