Uusin EESTEC Magazine on luettavissa osoitteessa:
- Otto
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Hello girls and guys,
The holidays passed and I hope you had a great time!
Ready to talk about EESTEC Magazine now? :)
Second issue of EESTEC Magazine has been published in December 2007 and it is my pleasure to tell you that it has been printed for the first time. If you still haven't seen it, ask your LC representative on last ECM for hard copy and it is, as the previous issues, available on Big thanks to all the people who were involved in creation of this issue!
EESTEC Magazine is meant to be published four times a year but this year it has been decided that there will be 3 issues in stead of 4 (third will be double issue) due to lack of time and in order to have more quality publication.
You all know that EESTEC Magazine is a publication made by EESTEC members. That means that everyone of you is welcome to help on it's creation. This year's Magazine Committee (LC Bucharest) would really appreciate your help in terms of ideas for new magazine sections or an article that would fit in one of existing sections and they are following:
1. Life of LCs: If you have attended one of the EESTEC events in last months and you want to tell people how great time you had, how great hosts you had and how many new stuff you have learned, here is the place for that!
2. Academic: Articles that are related to our profession (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). Here you can write about professional happenings on your faculty or in your region that you think might be interesting for EESTECers.
3. Careers: This is part where experienced eestecers can share how eestec involvement reflects their life or ways to improve yourself or eestec (this is my definition of this section :)).
4. Culture: Here you have an opportunity to show the rest of Europe things related to your culture that you find interesting for foreigners. I am sure that all of you could think of something for this part so don't be shy! Others would like know what you have to say on this topic!
*Very important note:* Every eestecer, no matter the position in the LC, that is willing to write an article or has any idea regarding it is welcome to contact If an idea crossed your mind and you are not sure weather it can be included in Magazine or you know you can contribute in magazine creation, don't hesitate to contact Magazine Committee at
Hugs from sunny Nis, Aleksandra
P.S. Here are some parts from last issue of eestec magazine. For whole articles and complete issue is on:
Plone my web Who's Plone? Where's Python? What's so hot about Plone 3? Can I be in your Team?
Job fair "JobFair – Create your future!" became a well known brand in Serbia, and is recognized as the biggest event of it's kind for technology students, and as one of the biggest job fairs in Serbia in general. EESTEC LC Belgrade is looking forward to sharing its experience and best practice with the rest of EESTEC, as well as exchanging ideas with other LCs that are organizing similar events. Both Serbian and English version of official website can be found on
Triangulos in Chile The only think we knew was that we enjoyed ding something with out computer graphics skills. (...) Naturally we have not spent all our time on our Bachelor project. We were, after all, in Chile and that time abroad had to be spent well by getting to know the country. Chille is beautiful country.
BizBuzzit Seminar This year the conference was about Internet marketing and how to make money from Web portals. It was explained how important is the kind of marketing for modern companies and modern industry is. The topics were: Internet yellow pages, successful examples, e-business, online branding, start-ups…
Lc of the Month - JLC Sarajevo They are new, still a Junior LC, but yet very prospective! Why is that so, you are wondering – because they are highly motivated, well-organized; they have an admirable percentage of active people; they are professional when needed, funny when they should be and always in a good mood! And they are also active on the International level as Board Assistants of Chairman, Internal and External Affairs! How comes – so motivated, so professional and so young?! Well, it is obvious that they have strong leaders; their board consists of five members, now experienced EESTECers:Faris,Semir, Mirela, Ajla, Sanja.
participants (1)
Otto Parantainen