Internal Affairs plan and BAs
Kongressissa valittiin uusi hallitus kansainväliselle EESTEC:lle ja nyt etsitään apulaisia hallituksen jäsenille. Board Assistant eli BA toimii hallituksen jäsenen apuna jossain tietyssä tehtävässä, joita määritetään tilanteen mukaan.
Osallistua voi koko vuodeksi tai vain osaksi johonkin projektiin, tapauksen ja halukkuuden mukaan. Mitään erityisiä vaatimuksia ei ole, kiinnostus riittää. Lisätietoja voi kysellä vaikka minulta. Alla olevassa meilissä on IA eli Internal Affairs -tehtäviä, joita on ehdotettu.
Muutkin hallituksen jäsenet luultavasti hakevat assistentteja lähiaikoina, mutta VC-IA ehti ensimmäisenä. Kysykää lisää, jos kiinnostusta löytyy!
Terveisin, Aki Oksanen
------------------------------------------- Mr. Aki Oksanen EESTEC LC Helsinki "The Face Is Servin-Maijan tie 12D45 Contact Person '06 Familiar, But 02150 Espoo, Finland I Can't Quite +358 (0)40 702 7053 Remember My Name" -------------------------------------------
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Hi all you eestec-ers out there. I'm Gabi, the new VC-IA and this mail is to present to you what has to be done in the Internal Affairs field this year. These are the tasks given by the General Assembly during the Sofia Congress 2006. But these tasks must not be accomplished by only one person because they would not be of the best quality and it is not in the EESTEC Spirit. Therefore, a team is needed to do the things right.
Being in this team of Board Assistants is a great opportunity for you to work on another level, to actually contribute to eestec's inner workings and to meet more closely some people who are as much involved as you. Also, you can be an example for others in your LC, thus motivating them and benefiting both them personally and eestec generally.
So, below are the things we will have to do. But it doesn't mean that this is strict. If you have any suggestion, proposals, improvements, we'll all work on them. Also, the tasks you will have to do can be the ones you propose, the ones I suggest, duties for whole year, or a temporary activity. Any constructive thing helps.
CP Stuff
- questionaire for participants/organizers
- compare questionaires and monitor/compare activity
- collect reports of the events from participants
- calendar of events/exams on the web to be constantly up-to-date
- encourage people to send pictures from events to be publicly posted
- encourage people to send posters together with event invitations on CP list
- make a database with VISA requirements for each country
- have regional helpers willing to go to certain LCs and do trainings and motivate people
- work to create a training package for a "presidents' meeting" or 'international training"
- support EESTEC Spirit and spread it as much as possible
- encourage creation of alumni lists on local level
- encourage local alumnis to communicate on international level
- work with existing alumni section
- make an in-depth analysis of East-West differences in LCs
- encourage people to be more active on international level, possibly resulting in Int'l Board applications
- update advisory guides
- create a database of EESTEC Members
- create an annotated version of RoP and Statutes
- make a template for a recommendation letter from the Faculty for the LC recognizing its activities
- have all materials for the Congress Guide ready 4 weeks before Congress
- make templates for official letters
- develop the internship project and coordinate the internship persons in every LC - Vlado Milosevic from LC Ljubljana has already started working on this issue
Regarding these and all other things, all BAs will have to send reports on a monthly basis. I will centralize all the information, add issues and send them during the monthly board mails to alleestec. In this way, every eestec-er will be able to see the progress and maybe come up with other ideas.
Those interested, send me an e-mail to until 25 May. The BAs will be approved during the HOBOM (Hand Over Board Meeting).
I'm sure we will make a great team.
All the best!
participants (1)
Aki Oksanen