

I am reaching out to you, the board, since I think this could be of interest to the members and students of your organization. Could you please forward this to the email list of your org?


Best regards,




How can you do the most good?


Do you want to build a career that not only benefits you but also has a real positive impact on the world? Are you interested in learning and discussing the most pressing problems out there? Would you like to meet interesting people from multidisciplinary backgrounds with a shared passion for doing good? How about connecting with a global community of like-minded people?


Now you have the opportunity, as we in Effective Altruism Finland are organising an introductory program for you!


Apply here by September 30th: https://www.altruismi.fi/program


The Effective Altruism Intro Program is an intensive and rewarding 5-week program starting in early October. Every week consists of reading and group discussions on themes like effective career choices, empathy, global health, forecasting and existential risks.


Effective Altruism is a global community and movement striving to find out how we can use our resources to help others the most. The Finnish Effective Altruism community has local university groups in six cities. You can learn more at https://www.altruismi.fi/ 


Read more about the intro program and apply by September 30th here: https://www.altruismi.fi/program