
I wanna invite you to a interesting talk held here at TKK next week. Feel free to forward it to more people (or post it on your group/guild list)! If you want to have more info just reply to this email...

Rocket and Balloon Experiments for University Students (ESA REXUS/BEXUS Programme)
Ever wanted to shoot something into space? Test your experiment in
near-space conditions?
ESA currently has an open call for experiments on-board the REXUS sounding rockets and BEXUS stratospheric balloons to be launched from Kiruna, northern Sweden. So design and fly your own experiments!
Mark Fittock is going to present the REXUS and BEXUS launch campaigns by talking about the projects he is involved with (one BEXUS project launched in September and a micro-gravity rocket experiment). The presentation of the projects will be followed by a how-to and info on what to take into consideration when you plan to apply from someone who managed to get selected by ESA. Afterwards will be time for questions and chit-chat....

Mark Fittock is a SpaceMaster (Round 3) currently studying and starting his thesis research in Kiruna, Sweden. He got a Bachelor of Science in Astrophysics & Mathematics and a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering with Honours from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Last summer he worked for Volvo Aerospace Corporation. He participated in one BEXUS project and is currently involved in a micro-gravity rocket experiment.

Where? When?
TKK, TUAS-building, Otaniementie 17
Lecture Hall AS3, Thursday, October 30 at 14:00.

Some links:

thanks and hope to see you there,

Jürgen Leitner, BSc
Graduate Student, SpaceMaster Programme
Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

"We need dreamers 'cuz in our dreams we see not what is but what can be!"