
We are organising English basic sailing theory evening on 2nd of May starting from 17:00 in Design Factory Machine Room (Betonimiehenkuja 5C)

This evening is meant for students totally new to sailing or with limited experience. After this evening you'll have understanding on e.g. sailing principles, terminology, sail boat parts and their purpose, things to consider before heading to sailing etc. Also Finnish speakers are welcome if you want to learn English terminology. 

Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSesKbEhaT6z0fTFHig74IHKPFEe9N5z8uMjNz_csQnZBx8-kw/viewform
Fee: 50€
We expect you to show receipt of payment before theory session.

In case you are already experienced English speaking sailor and are interested in training, please email me shortly telling about your experience. I could have couple of hands in arranging (you can log bee hours for your contribution).


Jutta Jokela
Varakommondori & koulutusvastaava 2018