LC Tallinna järjestää SummerCamp-tapahtuman 31.7.-7.8. ja ohjelmaan kuuluu hieman it-alaan liittyvää juttua, mutta pääpaino on vapaassa ohjelmassa. Lukekaa alla olevasta kutsusta tarkempaa tietoa ohjelmasta, ilmeisesti luvassa on kivaa kesänviettoa ja nyt todella lähellä meitä!
Ilmoittautumiset mahdollisimman pian, paikat vahvistetaan jo toukokuun loppupuolella, että kaikilla olisi mahdollisuus järjestellä vapaitaan ja muuta kesän ohjelmaa. Ensimmäisinä ilmoittautuneet ovat aina etusijalla.
Terveisin, Aki Oksanen
------------------------------------------- Mr. Aki Oksanen EESTEC LC Helsinki "The Face Is Servin-Maijan tie 12D45 Contact Person '06 Familiar, But 02150 Espoo, Finland I Can't Quite +358 (0)40 702 7053 Remember My Name" -------------------------------------------
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Hello dear EESTECers!
Now it is time to start to make your summer plans :) Because LC Tallinn is organizing another SummerCamp from 31st of July until 7th of August. This year we have made our event 1 day longer, so that you would have more time to see beautiful Tallinn Old Town.
- Why should you apply? Because you want to have a good time and visit Estonia! On weekdays you will have opportunity to visit interesting places in Tallinn, several night-clubs and there will also be a few lectures and workshops (one workshop is by Microsoft). Our attention is mainly on IT, but this year we also plan a lecture about different cultures, which should be very interesting to everyone. For the weekend we will go to Lake Peipsi, so you can also see Estonian nature, try sauna, swim in the lake and just relax!
- Why is applying so early? Because summer is busy time and we understand you need to plan your vacation early. Like this we can give you final acceptance in May already and you can buy your plane tickets cheaper plus there is time to get visas for those who need it.
You can get all information on our web-page www.lapikud.ee/summercamp so start reading and applying! And you do not need to study IT to apply :)
The most beautiful spring to everyone,
GSM: +372 56 691 284 Skype: aiveskype