Taas olisi yksi Plone my web -workshop, jossa opetellaan Plonen käyttöä ja koodaillaan kansainvälisen EESTEC:n nettisivuja. Workshop ajoittuu aivan joulukuun alkuun, 1.-9.12. Ilmoita halukkuudestasi osallistua osoitteeseen helsinki@eestec.net, viimeinen hakupäivä on 17.11.
- Otto
-------- Original Message --------
Organizer: LC Skopje with the help from LC Ljubljana Name: Plone My Web 3rd edition Dates : 1-9.12.2007 Deadline for applying: 17.11.2007 Results for acceptance: 20.11.2007
Finally…. The event you were expecting sooooo long….. :) Plone my web 3^-rd edition …. And the place is …….Skopje :)
Plone is an open-source content management system (CMS) with lots of potential. If you still don't know, don't worry, come and you'll find out :) You should also know that our new EESTEC international web site is a Plone-site. So after the workshop you'll have the chance to help in the developing of the site and be a proud Plone-er :)
In order to apply, you just need to know some xHTML and CSS (You can learn that really easy). When you first send the application, we will contact you to see if you have what it takes.
We are expecting 10 participants, the one and only, who'll have the chance to be a part of the small but V(very). I(important). P(plone). family, who will work, learn and party the most :)
The workshop will be held from the 1-9 December 2007. The deadline is 17.November, and on the 20th the results will be revealed who was accepted.