Onko tekemisen puutetta kesälomaksi? LC Istanbul tarjoaa kesä-heinäkuun vaihteessa mielenkiintoisen workshopin nimeltä Managineering. Itse Turkissa workshoppiin osallistuneena voin kertoa, että se on todella mukava maa, jossa kannattaa käydä, ja kuten aina EESTEC-tapahtumissa, porukka on myös loistavaa.
Ilmoittautumiset toukokuun loppuun mennessä.
P.S. Myös Tallinnan kesäpäiville voi vielä lähteä, kummastakin lisätietoja allekirjoittaneelta.
********************************************************************** LC ISTANBUL Workshop: ?MaNagiNeeriNg? When: 29thJune ? 06th July 2008 Number of participants: 20 EESTECers Deadline: 31st May 2008 Web page: www.eestec.itu.edu.tr **********************************************************************
Hello EESTECers;
I know ,you all waiting for LC ISTANBUL to organise a fascinating workshop as a tradition and impatient to apply for our workshop. So it is time to make your dreams come true. Unfortunately, LC ISTANBUL hosting 20 EESTECers in its workshop MaNagiNeeriNg so if you wanna taste Turkish hospitality you should be fast for applying. The workshop will include as usual lectures and unusual parties:) The lectures will be held by professionals that is why we will have a lot to improve our skills about engineering management,project management,time management,strategy planning,marketing and branding which we will need all our bussiness life;)
Of course there won't be enough time to see all the Istanbul's beauty, history, culture, and crazy night life, even though we can have time after lectures, but we're organizing it as perfect as we can, to make you all impressed enough,be sure we will not let you get lost in such an enthusiastic city with full of secrets. You will have enough knowledge and experience about Turkish people ,ISTANBUL and what fun means actually:)
I see the lights shining in your eyes so why you still waiting??? just fill the form and send us as soon as possible.And share those wonderfull moments with us ,LETS DISCOVER TOGETHER.....
Sezer Karaoglu EESTEC LC ISTANBUL Contact person (+90)555 707 84 98