Myös (Vice-ChairWoMan) Internal Affairs hakee apulaisia, kuten myös rahoituspuoli, niin kuin Emmi jo aiemmin päivällä asiaa valaisi...
Internal Affairs hoitaa nimensä mukaisesti EESTEC:n sisäisiä asioita, eli käytännössä pitää yhteyttä eri LC:iden kesken sekä vastaa kaikista jo olemassa olevia LC:itä koskevista jutuista, pyrkii myös aktivoimaan ja auttamaan LC:itä sekä järjestämään heille aktiviteetteja.
Tehtäviä on lueteltu alkuperäisen meilin loppuosassa, mutta muutamia mainitakseni erilaisia ylläpitotehtäviä ja opastustehtäviä on ainakin tarjolla. Toki muitakin saa ehdottaa ja tehtävään voi ryhtyä koko vuodeksi tai vain lyhyempiin projekteihin, kaikki on omasta panostuksesta kiinni.
Olkaa aktiivisia ja kyselkää, lukekaa myös alkuperäinen meili alla.
Terveisin, Aki Oksanen
------------------------------------------ Mr. Aki Oksanen EESTEC LC Helsinki "The Face Is Jämeräntaival 3C 301 Contact Person '05 Familiar, But 02150 Espoo, Finland I Can't Quite +358 (0)40 702 7053 SIK-toimari Remember My Name" ------------------------------------------
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 02:45:20 +0200 From: Tijana Momirov mmt@EUnet.yu To: Subject: Board Assistants, IA
Hello, dear CPs!
You'll be hearing a lot from me in the year to come. I'll try to be precise, efficient and helpful. Please be sure that you forward all the info to your LCs, you're their window to EESTEC International:)
All, really all, questions&suggestions you have for me are more than welcome. I'll help you to handle your CP duties, and you'll help me to consider new aspects of my work for this year. Remember, IA Team is your interface, we'll either meet your needs or redirect you to the right address.
With this mail, I'd like to announce that I am looking for Board Assistants, members of Internal Affairs Team. As a Board Assistant, you'll have the opportunity to widen your EESTEC activities to the international level and cooperate with people from LCs other than yours. Task you'll have can be the ones you propose, the ones I suggest, duties for whole year, or a temporary activity. To say in a simple way, any form of your good will and readiness to help EESTEC Int. is welcome and important.
I already have assistants_to_be (officially they will be approved during HandOverBoardMeeting in Munich at the end of May) and I am very satisfied with their ideas. IA Team is eagerly waiting for new members, and once established, I am sure we'll soon synchronize and start a successful cooperation. It's never too late, but I'd appreciate if you can let me know about this matter until --20th April--.
Some of the tasks for IA Team:
-help fresh LCs -help fresh CPs -wake up silent LCs -update lists, aliases... -status reports -contests (photo, web-site) -online meetings -alumni -FAQ, Guides ..etc.
Please forward this mail to your LCs, every EESTECer is welcome to take part in our activities!
Hoping to hear from you soon!!!
-- Tijana Momirov Vice Chair - Internal Affairs, EESTEC International e-mail: mob: +381 63 468 631 homepage: