Toukokuun lopulla LC Munich järjestää "Intercultural Competence 2006" -Workshopin, jossa on pääsponsorina Texas Instruments ja jonne tehdään tuolla myös excursio. Lisäksi itse workshop-osuutta on pari päivää ja loppuaikana tutustumista nähtävyyksiin, bileitä yms.
Tapahtuman ajankohta on siis 20.-28.5. eli aivan loistava aika viettää vähän aikaa ulkomailla tenttikauden jälkeen ja ennen kuin kesätyöt (tai -opiskelut) paukahtavat kunnolla päälle!
Kiinnostuksesta voi ilmoittaa minulle osoitteeseen huhtikuun alkuun mennessä. Paikkoja on alustavasti kaksi/LC ja hakemukseen täytyy liittää pieni hakemusteksti. Lisätietoja löytyy alkuperäisestä kutsusta meilin lopussa tai kyselemällä minulta.
Terveisin, Aki O.
Ps. Nyt pikkuhiljaa Keltsuun... :)
------------------------------------------- Mr. Aki Oksanen EESTEC LC Helsinki "The Face Is Servin-Maijan tie 12D45 Contact Person '06 Familiar, But 02150 Espoo, Finland I Can't Quite +358 (0)40 702 7053 Remember My Name" -------------------------------------------
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Dear Eestecers,
LC Munich is proud to announce the "Intercultural Competence 2006" workshop, that will take place from 20th to 28th of May 2006.
As our motto is Intercultural Competence we will have one day at our premium sponsor's (Texas Instruments) site, where you will learn a bit how a company works together on international level and there will be two days of workshop on "Intercultural Competence" held by Carl von Linde Akademie ( on that topic.
The rest of the time you will be able to enjoy Munich and the area around Munich in late spring. You will of course see the sights of munich, visit the famous "Deutsches Museum", enjoy the ambience of a beergarden and for sure have a lot of fun. We will provide you with a more detailed program later.
Arrival should be arranged at the 20th of may and departure at 28th of may. If train is not too complicated it is the easiest way because the central station is near to your accomodation. If you plan to come by plane we will fetch you from the airport, because it is one hour outside of munich. So if you don't want to have to get out to the airport at 6am after the farewell party you should be aware of this and if possible take a flight that is around luchtime or later ;-)
We will be able to host 20 people, places are limited to 2 per LC at the beginning. As our sponsor offers job opportunities especially for people focusing on analog technology we will prefer applications by people focusing their studies on that topic.
Deadline for applications will be the 1st of April, shortly after this date we will confirm the places. Please send the following information with your application:
Name How long you have been studying (terms) Focus of studies (e.g. powerengineering, analog, etc.) Short letter of motivation (about 150 words)
Hope that we can welcome you in munich in may!
Ulli(bre) Contact Person LC Munich